An irresistible lure for cats and great fun for cat lovers cat dancer original interactive cat toy spring steel wire and rolled cardboard create an irresistible lure for cats and great fun for you. It reminds your cat of its favorite things, like birds and scampering mice. Playing With your cats are crazy about cat dancer toys because they simulate their favorite games- Stalking, hunting and chasing prey. Here are a few games where you and cat dancer assume the role of prey. One piece of advice- Watch your cat, not your cat dancer. Spin the cat lead your cat across the floor with the cat dancer wand. When your cat begins to run, bring the cat dancer around in a circle toward its tail. Continue this and your cat will spin around in circles until either exhaustion or dizziness prevails. Lead your cat in a straight line across the floor. Just as your cat reaches the end of the wand, flip it up and arc it through the air back to the floor where you started. With a little practice, your cat will do a backflip. With daily practice, your cat may do a backflip-half gainer with a corkscrew finish. Hold the cat dancer just a few inches above your cat. As your cat reaches for the cat dancer, keep the wand just out of reach. Remain steady and your cat will stand up on its back legs and dance a bit for you.
1 month ago
1 month ago