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RoomMates Silver Tin Tile Peel and Stick 3D Embossed Backsplash
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RoomMates Silver Tin Tile Peel and Stick 3D Embossed Backsplash

Product ID: 458383819
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Update your home with the classic beauty of Victorian Tin Tiles. These tin tiles were inspired by grand European homes. Made with a 3D textured embossing, create a transformative backsplash in your kitchen or bathroom. Burnished with a soft silver metal finish, Tin Tiles are the perfect accompaniment to any home decor with metal accents. Affordable and easy to clean, these tiles install with regular household tools. Simply peel, stick and apply to the wall. Watch your kitchen or bathroom transform in minutes. RoomMates Silver Tin Peel and Stick Backsplash Stick Tiles: Four Tiles Per Pack - RoomMates Stick Tiles include four individual 10.5-inch x 10.5-inch self-adhesive tiles per pack. Instant Transformation - Peel off thebacking and stick it to the wall to create an instant backsplash. Remodel Your Kitchen & Bathroom - An easy way to redecorate, RoomMates Stick Tiles adhere to any clean, smooth surface. No Hassle DIY - A traditional backsplash is hard to install and expensive. With our Stick Tiles, you can makeover your kitchen AND bathroom at a more affordable price! Easy to Apply - No cement, grout or wet saw needed, just peel and stick! Easily trim with a sharp blade to fit any space. Realistic Appearance - Our Stick Tiles have a textured finish to achieve the look of real tile on a wall. Washable and water-resistant.  

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The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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